
Senator Jaromir Shtetina: «People of Artsakh deserved the right to have an independent state»

People of Artsakh deserved the right to have an independent state

In the frameworks of the work conducted over the film “The Ordinary Genocide. “Koltso” Operation” the film-crew holds meetings and talks with those who witnessed the events. Video footage of these meetings will be included in the film to be; so far an interview (see video in russian ) with the member of Senate of the Czech Republic Jaromir Shtetina will be presented to our readers.

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Russian human rights defender: Azerbaijani authorities strived to clear Karabakh from Armenians with Operation Ring

Burkova Inessa

The Russian writer Inessa Burkova is one of those few human rights defenders who contributed to the truth about the tragedy of the Armenian villages of Artsakh that were deported by the Azerbaijani OMON in the framework of the Operation Ring, to break through the information blockade and reach the international community.

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Valery Kiporenko: Disorders in Baku passed under the same slogans as in Sumgait

Valery Kiporenko

Massacres of Armenians started 21 years ago in Baku. Valery Kiporenko, an investigator of KGB (USSR Committee for State Security), was then on a mission to Azerbaijani SSR.  Valery Kiporenko, a member of the investigators’ group of USSR Committee for State Security, worked in Sumgait and Baku for seven months, in 1990 he was the Senior Investigator of USSR Committee for State Security Special Department in Kiev Military District.

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Prepared with the assistance of the Public Relations and Information Center of the Office of the President of Armenia, Yerevan.


This website was created with the assistance of the "Xenophobia Prevention Initiative" NGO


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