Video Interviews

“Azerbaijan shouldn't be able to get away with impunity” Exclusive interview with Baroness Cox

The evidence of Dr. Sargis Akopkekhvyan, Chief Doctor of the Getashen Village

How many Armenians were killed in Sumgait? Evidence of D-r Roza Danielyan

This happened on 28 February 1988. My nurse ran up to me, she had gone out into the shop before this. She was crying and yelling. I ask her: “What happened, Laura? What is wrong with you?” We knew nothing at the moment. “Mrs. Roza, there is a truck coming full of killed men-Armenians”. She was crying and yelling. I told her: “What is this, it is not possible?!” “Yes, yes, it is true, I saw it myself, it is true!”.

Rosa Danielyan, doctor, in 1988 worked at one of the hospitals in Baku.


Prepared with the assistance of the Public Relations and Information Center of the Office of the President of Armenia, Yerevan.


This website was created with the assistance of the "Xenophobia Prevention Initiative" NGO


Copyright © KarabakhRecords 2010


The administration is ready to consider any proposal associated with the placement of exclusive material on the site concerning these events.
